A journey from Here to There in Ngor, Dakar
Poignant moments on a hike to dinner through the dusky, flooded streets of Dakar
Poignant moments on a hike to dinner through the dusky, flooded streets of Dakar
Haircuts abroad don’t always lead to textbook results, but they reliably breeed good stories
Moving plants, and getting a grip on the can-do spirit of the city, in Dakar
An impossible quest through four different levels of computer-repair professionalism takes me through the full range of human emotion
A bone-shatteringly loud night in the crumbling grandeur of St. Louis, Senegal
The most fun public transport option in Dakar, and maybe the world, is the Car Rapide
Good trips take us away from the worlds we know. The best trips throw us headfirst into new worlds.